Certified Data Destruction

Choose the data erasure plan that’s right for your organization.

Balancing your organizations security and budgetary needs is what we do best. We’re confident we can find a data destruction plan that meets both.

Our Flexible Information Disposition Services

No Cost Data Destruction

$ 0
/Hard Drive
  • Free Shipping Material
  • Free Shipping Labels
  • Certificate of Destruction

Secure Transfer

$ 5-20
/Hard Drive
  • Pay based on size of box (approx. 25,50,100 Desktop HDD)
  • Shipping Cost Included
  • Military Grade Secure Pelican Cases
  • Certificate of Destruction
  • Full Chain of Custody Option Available

Onsite Destruction

$ 5-40
/Hard Drive
  • Information assets never leave your site
  • No quantity to large
  • Professional Service
  • Destruction you can verify
  • Full Chain of Custody
  • Physical destruction of hard drives
  • Certificate of Destruction

NIST 800-88 Certified Data Erasure Service

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has created standards for sanitizing electronic data from hard drives and other electronic media – NIST 800-88. Media sanitation or Data Erasure is a process of removing data from hard drives, solid state drives, flash drives, and other digital media devices.

Full Video Recording

Secure data destruction requires secure facilities. Our data erasure room is under 24-hour video surveillance.

Securely Locked Sanitization Room

Cryptographic locks are utilized to keep our wiping room safe and secure and meet requirements for certified data destruction.

Authorized Personnel Only

Only authorized personnel is allowed inside of our data erasure room. Those with the express permission of completing the data destruction tasks have access and key codes to enter the room.

Database of Destroyed Media

We maintain information on every hard drive that is wiped or destroyed by ReTechDDR. If a certificate is lost by a client, information on the hard drive serial number, type of destruction, and date of destruction is retained for future retrieval.

Certificates of Destruction

Certificates of destruction stating the hard drive serial number, data destruction method, and date of destruction are provided to clients and available in multiple formats depending on client needs.

Department of Defense (DoD) Certified Wiping and Destruction Services

DoD 5220.22-M, also known as the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual or NISPOM, is a media sanitization standard established by the U.S. Department of Defense. It specifies the standard procedures and requirements for sanitizing certain storage media that handles classified information. Department of Defense data destruction standards recommend overwriting all the addressable memory locations with zeros, then ones, then a random character. Once complete a 100% verification is run to ensure all data is destroyed and unrecoverable. 

3 Pass Method

Pass 1: Writes a zero and verifies the write.

Pass 2: Writes a one and verifies the write.

Pass 3: Writes a random character and verifies the write.

7 Pass Method

Pass 1: Perform a full chip erase per manufactures data sheet

Pass 2: Writes a zero and verifies the write.

Pass 3: Writes a one and verifies the write.

Pass 4: Writes a random character and verifies the write.

Pass 5: Writes a zero and verifies the write.

Pass 6: Writes a one and verifies the write.

Pass 7: Writes a random character and verifies the write.


NIST 800-88 is a data destruction standard created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It lays out how secure data destruction should be handled to ensure the safe handling of digital assets to the end of the data lifecycle.

No. Although we utilize many of the standards and procedures addressed in both NIST 800-88 and DoD standards in all of our services, not all are fully compliant with these standards. ReTech believes that destroyed data is safer than data sitting on a shelf in an IT closet (which is the case for many of our customers). That is why we offer numerous services with varying levels of security and cost to meet our client’s needs. ReTech Data Destruction and Recycling LLC can provide guidance and subject matter expertise, but it is the responsibility of the client to know which laws and regulations apply to their industry and ensure that the data destruction service that is chosen. Any and all details of our service and procedures can be discussed with prospective clients.

In most cases, ReTech recommends a 3-pass wipe of the drive to render the data unrecoverable. This method is in alignment with Department of Defense standards (7-pass also available). In cases where drives are physically damaged, shredding becomes the data destruction method of choice.

All of the standard data destruction methods are offered to our clients including:

Physical Hard Drive Shredding

3 Pass Data Erasure Wipe

7 Pass Data Erasure Wipe

Onsite Data Destruction -Shredding

Onsite Data Destruction – Degaussing

Onsite Data Destruction – Erasure

Cryptographic Erase (CE)

Data storage devices (HDD, SSD, etc.) shipped with the original device (laptop, chromebooks, small form desktops) may qualify for free data destruction services. ReTech responsibly recycles all electronic waste that comes through our door. Certificates of Destruction and Certificates of Recycling are available at no cost through our free data destruction service. Contact us to see if our free data destruction service is right for you.

Yes. Every data destruction service offered by ReTech Data Destruction and Recycling LLC is customizable to meet a client’s needs, reach out to us to discuss yours.

ReTech Data Destruction and Recycling is capable of providing nationwide services.

Cryptographic Erase (CE) is an emerging sanitization technique that can be used in some situations when data is encrypted as it is stored. With CE, media sanitization is performed by erasing the cryptographic keys that were used to encrypt the stored data, as opposed to sanitizing the storage locations on media containing the encrypted data itself. This is an advanced method of erasure that is only recommended in specific circumstances, please contact us with your use case if you feel it is right for your purposes.

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*ReTech Data Destruction & Recycling LLC provides general information pertaining to data destruction requirements and should not be relied upon or construed as legal advice. It is the organizations responsibility to determine if a service meets relevant industry standards, regulations, and laws.